Or licked and nibbled them.
Her whole body rejoiced. It was as if molten pleasure was trickling through her.
I let the boy next door suck my nipples . . .
Heather shuddered with delight. Her nipples were large to start with. When she was aroused they got very, very big. Right now they were bigger than ever. And hard! They were so hard they hurt, but in the most wonderful way.
I never suspected this would be so nice! Much more and I’ll erupt!
Mary Rose must have known. She squeezed one breast and rubbed briskly at the other, licking and nibbling all the while. Suddenly the molten pleasure was concentrated in Heather’s sex. The build-up of heat there was quick and enormous. She could only hold back a few moments before orgasming ferociously.
Good grief, how could that possibly be possible!
Mare really does have all the tricks of a witch!
Then, breathless and still enormously excited, it was Heather’s turn. She’d unfastened two of the other girl’s buttons before she realized something else was on the agenda.
‘We’ll be going home next month. This might be our last chance for a while.’ Mary Rose took Heather’s hand and pulled it towards the forbidden territory of her knickers. Well, the until-ever-so-recently forbidden territory of her knickers.
Okay, Heather thought, making a beeline for Mary Rose’s magic button.
But that wasn’t what she wanted.
‘No,’ she said, pulling and guiding.
For a long moment they stared at each other, Heather so, so conscious of her friend’s desire.
‘The summer break lasts for ages,’ Mary Rose said softly. ‘Please.’
There was no way she could be refused. Not by a two-timing rat of a best friend.
Besides, it’ll be another new adventure.
The video actresses seemed to take great care in making their partners wet. With Mare there was no need; she was absolutely sopping already. Heather explored her thoroughly (delicately and very, very patiently), wishing things were different so she could see as well as feel.
Never mind seeing, I want to taste.
Mare’s fanny was lots more interesting than Dan’s willy; it was far superior in every way. The urge to take time and torment was immense.
Make her wait.
Somehow Heather resisted and traced a line along Mary Rose’s swollen, pouting lips before gently slipping a couple of fingers inside her, producing a heartfelt groan.
Good grief, she’s like an oven in there!
After pausing a moment to take in the baking hotness Heather began to move, using a rhythm she used on herself, one reserved for special occasions and based on Rose Royce’s Car Wash.
‘Yes,’ Mare moaned, ‘Oh, yes, Hev. Yes! Don’t stop . . . don’t stop ever.’
Mare was twisting and pulling at her beautiful auburn hair as it spilled over the grass. As Heather continued to stare down at her she gave back a small smile then closed her eyes and turned her head to one side. ‘Yes,’ she said, her mouth moving in profile. ‘Oh yes, Hev.’
Mare’s free arm had wrapped itself around Heather’s waist. She let out another little moan and began to gyrate the bottom half of her body in a way that seemed to cover up and down, left to right and in and out. Heather took this as further evidence of her vast experience. She was even more impressed when she realized Mare had fallen in time with her special rhythm. Tentatively, she speeded up; within a second Mare was matching her again.
‘I’m going to cum soon,’ she purred. ‘My God, Hev, this is so good.’
Heather could hear a liquid squelching in time with her pistoning fingers and became aware Mare had switched to pure in and out. And speeded up again? Good grief, so she had. It was a struggle to keep pace. Her arm . . . not just her fingers or hand or wrist, her whole arm . . . felt as if it was about to drop off.
‘Oh . . . Jesus! Yes!’
Mare bucked, writhed and wriggled like the raunchiest actress in the most explicit sex tape ever made. Her orgasm seemed to go on for hours, finally ending in a tiny scream.
‘Incredible,’ she gasped. ‘Honestly, Hev, you’re a natural. You just played me like a fiddle.’ She laughed. ‘Best fiddle I’ve ever had, come to think of it.’
Heather was waving her arm in the air, trying to get some life back into it. Giving up, she rolled away, curled up and hugged herself.
‘I think I overdid it,’ she said ruefully.
‘Speak for yourself, darling. I think you got it cock-on.’
‘My arm’s in agony.’
‘And I’m in raptures. Here . . . let me rub it better.’
They lay together in the sunshine, cuddling and occasionally kissing, until the sound of approaching voices sent them hastily rearranging their clothes.
* * *
Returning to work shocked Geoff’s system. He hadn’t realized how much paperwork he got through until he saw four weeks’ worth stacked up on his desk; his own Everest of unattended chores, surrounded by foothills of urgent stuff that had been pulled out and tagged with Post-it stickers.
To make matters worse, he couldn’t break camp immediately. Word had got round and, at first, the telephone never stopped. It was Wednesday dinnertime before he could make an action plan. That only took an hour. Trouble was, executing the plan was going to take a whole lot longer.
Despite such sorrows, it was good to be back.
And better still to be done with the sympathy and ready to get going.
Before starting the ascent Geoff very self-consciously pulled the red and white beer mat from his jacket pocket. On the front it said: TETLEY BITTER MEN. The back said: JOIN ‘EM. There had been a couple of days after the funeral when he’d never intended to touch alcohol again. The hangover had gone now, though, and two or three pints seemed like a good idea. Shame he was a one-parent family; if he wasn’t he could have joined ‘em on his way home.
He dialled the handwritten number and was surprised when an extremely professional voice answered straightaway.
‘Hello, Penelope Browning speaking.’
‘Oh,’ he said. ‘Hello. Is that you Penny?’
‘Geoff!’ The voice became less formal and much, much warmer. ‘I thought you’d never ring. How are you? How are the children?’
‘Fine; we’re doing fine. I . . . er, I haven’t caught you at work, have I?’
‘Never mind work. I don’t intend to be here long. Are you sure everything’s okay? You weren’t in the pub on Sunday.’
‘I’ve sort of retired from pubs,’ he said sadly. ‘I need all my time for the kids. And I’m getting too old for football, anyway.’
‘Nonsense, you’re the fittest man in the team. I watch every week, remember? I know exactly how fit your body is.’
Geoff was uncomfortable talking about bodies. His might be just about holding together but Penny’s was utterly stunning, and not just in appearance. He’d smooched quite intimately with her; it felt even better than it looked.
‘I’m older than everyone else,’ he mumbled.
‘What about Woody? And that left-back?’
‘Okay, so I’m third oldest, not the oldest. I’m still not getting any younger. And it’s the kids. Even if I could abandon them for matches, I’d never make midweek training. I was one of those who insisted on No Train, No Play. I can’t go back on that overnight.’
‘You’re thirty-one,’ she countered. ‘That’s only four years older than me. You’re not calling me old, are you?’
‘There you go, then. It’s not time to retire. I won’t let you. I’ll look after the children while you train and play.’
‘You can’t.’
‘Yes I jolly well can. My cousin has children. I’ve helped her a lot.’
‘I didn’t mean can’t, can’t. I meant it wouldn’t be fair to ask.’
‘You aren’t asking, I’m telling. That makes it completely fair.’
‘Does it?’
Geoff paused. It was tempting to believe such an arrangement could work; it sounded like a lifeline.
‘Are you sure Lee won’t mind?’
‘Lee doesn’t come into this; it’s between you and me. Please say you’ll carry on. I’ll be devastated if you stop coming to the discos.’
‘Yes. It’s the next one up from gutted.’
‘Let’s wait and see,’ he said finally. ‘The new season’s a way off yet, so I don’t have to rush. If you still want to help when we start arranging friendlies, I’ll think about it.’
‘I will still want to help. So that’s that sorted. Now, what’s to do in the meantime?’
* * *
‘You look as good as gold,’ Mary Rose whispered as two other girls made it to the hilltop. ‘You’d pass any uniform inspection.’
‘It’s the knickers inspection I’d fail,’ said Heather, trying not to giggle.
‘Me too, but at least I don’t have stinky pinkies.’
The newcomers were from the Lower Sixth. They glared at the younger girls before sitting on the grass, making sure they were as far away from them as possible.
‘Time we went.’ Mary Rose jumped up and pulled Heather to her feet. When they were out of earshot she said, ‘I know those two. They’ll be at it already. And they won’t stop where we did. They do the lot.’
‘How do you know?’
‘I’ve seen them on Overlook before, doing sixty-nine and all sorts. We can sneak back up and watch if you want.’
‘No!’ Heather was horrified to find the idea so attractive. ‘We can’t snoop. What they do together is private.’
‘No it’s not. Not if they do it where anyone can see them.’
‘What if someone had been spying on us?’
‘Nothing, that’s what, I’m not ashamed. Besides, we don’t have the choice, do we? Those two will have their own rooms. If they need privacy they’ve got it just like that.’ Mary Rose clicked her fingers. ‘If you ask me, they want people to watch.’
‘Well I’m not watching. It would be perverted.’
‘No it wouldn’t. It would be clean, healthy fun. And I should know. I’m a sex addict, but not a perverted one.’
Remorse came crashing down on Heather. ‘I must be a sex addict,’ she said miserably. ‘And a perverted one at that. I just couldn’t stop myself, Mare. I’m so sorry.’
They’d reached the bottom of the hill. ‘Sorry for what?’
‘Last Friday, when you were cramming for German . . .’
‘Your little fling with Jacqui, you mean?’
Heather had been expecting surprise and contempt, not a cheerful grin.
‘How do you know?’
‘I know everything, remember?’ Mary Rose chuckled. ‘You were locked away with her for at least an hour. Then you canoodled throughout the film. And you had your hand on her tit. Nothing escapes me. I’m the All-Seeing-Eye.’
‘Don’t say tit Mare. You know I hate that word.’
‘I can say what I like when I’ve been wronged,’ the redhead replied airily. ‘Be it tits, knockers or sexy arses.’
Heather had to laugh. ‘You never let on.’
‘I didn’t see the need.’
‘And you don’t mind?’
‘Of course I don’t mind. I’m actually quite proud of you. Jacqui plays hard to get.’
‘She got me, not the other way around. That’s why I feel guilty. I was so easy.’
Mary Rose put her hands on Heather’s shoulders and rubbed noses. ‘Don’t call yourself easy for giving in to your sex urge. Men are always giving in to theirs. Nobody calls them easy. Why should it be any different when a girl gives in to the same urge?’
‘It’s not that. Not that at all. I wanted to stay faithful to you.’
‘That’s sweet.’ Mary Rose kissed her nose this time. ‘We need to talk about being faithful anyway. Summer break really is almost upon us. We should set rules. Agree what’s allowed when we’re apart, that sort of thing.’
‘I agree,’ said Heather. ‘I won’t even look at anyone else.’
‘Whoa! Not so hasty. We’ve got to allow each other some leeway. Six weeks is an awful long time.’
‘I know it is. I’ll be counting off the minutes.’
‘That’s even sweeter. But totally impractical.’
Mary Rose had that glint in her eye . . . the one that never failed to thrill her relatively innocent friend.
‘Okay,’ Heather said as steadily as she could. ‘What do you suggest, Miss Practical?’
‘No doubt you’ll be seeing Dan, so I suggest no girls but open season on men.’
Heather snorted. Mare had obviously mapped this out in advance.
‘I’m going to regret asking, but what’s included in “open season”?’
‘Everything you can think of.’
‘Including . . .’
‘Going down?’ The redhead chuckled again. ‘Sure. Why not? We’re talking blokes here. They’re all relatively crap at it. Anything your farmer does will only make me seem ten times better in September.’
Heather considered a moment. Going down on a girl was by far the biggest event she could think of. Could she really let a mangel-wurzel like Dan be first to do that? Okay, he was almost certainly going to be the first guy to shag her, but shagging wasn’t nearly so major.
Urgently required, perhaps, but not nearly so major.
And besides, she didn’t necessarily want to be on the receiving end. Not all summer long. How would she ever get that extra A-level if she was always submissively on her back?
‘I’m not sure I want Dan to break that particular duck,’ she said carefully. ‘Not if he’s ten times worse than you.’
‘You do realize I’m fantastic?’ Mary Rose’s eyes were still thrilling. ‘Ten times worse than me isn’t bad at all.’
‘Maybe I’ll wait.’
‘Sweeter than ever!’
‘Honestly, Mare. I don’t want him to do it.’
‘Fair enough. Shag him every night instead. Save the skilled stuff for me.’
Heather considered some more. Her body was rejoicing again and they were only talking . . . and talking about possibilities at that; quite distant possibilities.
‘Okay Mare. I guarantee you’ll be first.’
‘I wish I could say the same for you, but it’s too late. You’ll definitely be my next girl though. I won’t let even the nicest pair of knockers jump the queue. Or the sexiest arse.’
‘September seems so far away . . .’
‘Right,’ said Mary Rose. ‘So tell me about Jacqui.’
‘You already know as much as me.’
‘I’m missing the finer details. Did you tongue tummy buttons?’
‘Yes,’ Heather confessed.
‘Yes Mare, really.’
‘You absolute witch! I bet she got thirty seconds on your buzzer, didn’t she?’
Heather nodded sheepishly. “Buzzer” was one of Mary Rose’s more polite names for a magic button. And the thirty second rule was supposed to be very strict, never-to-be-exceeded.
‘Did she get her tongue on that too?’
‘Mare! Of course she didn’t.’
‘So how far did you go?’
‘I don’t know for sure,’ said Heather, hedging. ‘You keep moving the goalposts. Maybe up to eight.’
‘Eight? Jacqui got stinky pinkies before me, did she?’
‘We both did. Sorry.’
‘You don’t look sorry.’ Neither did Mary Rose, come to that; she looked delighted. ‘You’re more like the Cheshire Cat.’
‘That’s because I’ve had a thought.’
‘I know you have. I can see the illuminated light bulb as well as all your teeth. It must be a very naughty thought.’
‘It might be.’
There were trees here at the bottom of the hill, some of them quite close together. Heather pointed toward
s the thickest, tallest section. ‘Do you reckon there’s an oak in there?’
‘Probably,’ said Mary Rose, ‘although I doubt there’s one with an obliging schoolboy standing by. And the camouflage is woefully inadequate.’
‘Never mind the camouflage, let’s go look.’
‘Like I said: September seems so far away.’
Heather smiled and took her friend’s hand. She’d fibbed a bit about Friday. Jacqui had made it to nine, possibly even nine and a half. And quite brilliantly; next time she’d definitely be scoring ten . . . they both would. If Mare was going to hit ten first, something had to be done long before the summer break. No, something had to be done now.
‘Let’s just look for an oak,’ she said. ‘We don’t need a schoolboy. Not for what I have in mind.’
She tugged her friend off the path, into the short undergrowth. Mary Rose was speechless but that didn’t last.
‘I’ve got a feeling this is going to be risky,’ she said, ‘maybe dangerously so. But I do admire your style . . .’
* * *
Penny suddenly seemed to have a positive, no-nonsense take on everything. Geoff hadn’t seen this side of her before. Previously she’d been flirty and fun. Now she seemed ready to take over the world.
‘”What’s to do?”’ he echoed. ‘What do you mean, “What’s to do?”‘
‘I mean are your childcare arrangements working out? Your mum said they were precarious, to say the least.’
‘When did you speak to my mum?’
‘After the funeral. She said your dad was picking up the children first thing in the morning. Then he was taking the girls to school while she looked after Jamie. Then he was taking Jamie with him to pick up the girls when school finished. Then he was keeping them all amused for half an hour until your Auntie Sue got home. And then Auntie Sue was keeping them fed and watered until you came to collect them. Around about midnight, I think that was. Am I close?’
‘Very close. You know more about my life than I do.’
‘You can see it’s not watertight, can’t you?’
‘There’s nothing wrong with it,’ Geoff said reflexively. ‘Millions of families do this sort of thing every day.’
‘Maybe, but not many of them depend on an old banger like the one your dad drives.’